Chapter 5, part 1: Declutter Your Mind from A Book in Time

Published on 12 September 2022 at 14:02

According to Tiffany:

Positivity is vital to develop a sense of peace and happiness. Rewire your brain to stick to the positive. You will notice more positivity around you. Challenge your inner critic and choose to see your life differently.


With "neuroplasticity," content reframing, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), you can learn to reverse your instinct to guard and protect yourself.


Tiffany discusses "The Tetris Effect" - the more participants played a game, the easier it became, and they would not have to try or think as hard not to lose. It affected the brain's "plasticity." When you do specific tasks repetitively, your brain becomes used to them; the more you promote optimism in your life, the easier it will grow until it feels like it's second nature.


Reframe the way you think to promote an optimistic lifestyle. By reframing your perspective, you will also influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors along with it. One with an optimistic perspective will see down days and let-downs as opportunities for creative solutions. To change, you need dedication, motivation, and persistence. The more you do something, the more flexible your brain will become (plasticity), allowing it to do tasks automatically.


A Book in Time's Commentary:



Professionally:  Repetition enhances creativity and helps develop patterns that increase efficiency. It deepens your programming on two levels, conscious and subconscious. On a conscious level, you can save time and energy with the power of repetition. Processes and tasks become easier to master, and you can conserve more energy. On a subconscious level, the activity becomes more instinctive, and your mind becomes programmed for this new habit or way of doing things. You are able to "react" instinctively with the correct or desired response. Repetition also allows you to feel more comfortable with what may have initially started as uncomfortable. This may result in fewer errors, more efficiency, confidence, and even more momentum and productivity. Think about an aspect of you, within your business life, that you would like to change or improve. Each day, allocate a portion of your time to this change you desire. Visualize, read, write, and perform something that depicts your desired change. For some, developing a habit takes about twenty-one days of repetition. For others, it may take longer. Be devoted to this positive change as a method of progress toward your business success.


"Repetition creates the master."

Cesar Millan


 "There is no substitute for attentive repetition."

Daniel Coyle


Personally:  "Neuroplasticity is the brain's capacity to continue growing and evolving in response to life experiences. Plasticity is the capacity to be shaped, molded, or altered; neuroplasticity, then, is the ability for the brain to adapt or change over time, by creating new neurons and building new networks," from This all means changing a thinking pattern and developing a new mindset, memories, or skills is possible. The brain can be rewired. You do not have to be stuck in an unhealthy way of thinking. Your brain is resilient, and lifelong stimulation, in moderation, is necessary for optimal brain health and to keep it evolving. Physical activity is a powerful way to open up the "windows of plasticity."  "It stimulates the release of the substance known as a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which sets in motion the growth of new synaptic connections and bolsters the strength of signals transmitted from neuron to neuron," also from Therefore, even walking for an hour a day at least five days a week increases brain matter, thus improving learning and memory. What does all of this mean? Start moving! Start walking daily, do some form of activity, dance, mow the lawn, park at the far end of the parking lot, and walk further than usual. Make a habit of moving more. Lift some light weights. Get the heart pumping and blood flowing. Release positive energy into the synapses of your brain. Take a moment to see how in a YouTube video, Sven Otten integrates dancing into all aspects of his a mall, on an escalator, in a bank, at a fruit stand, in the streets, through a parking lot, and even in the bathroom! 🤭

Sven Otten - Walk of Life


Spiritually:  Persistence is "the act of working hard and trying again and again until you achieve what you've set out to achieve," from With continued effort, you may eventually become an expert if you persist. It builds motivation and increases your chances of a successful outcome. Persistence provides vital experiences, sets a good example for others, and develops value in the quest for success. Being persistent will help expose and bring awareness to some of your weaknesses, allowing you opportunities for growth and improvement. Persistence is a positive trait when the goal is a righteous one. You must be willing to commit to a long-term agenda rather than view things in short-terms. For example, success doesn't happen overnight. But with persistence, commitment, and desire, you can accomplish what you set out to do.


 "Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

Napoleon Hill


"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Benjamin Franklin


"Performance, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."

Thomas Carlyle


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